========================================================================= G C O S - 8 C O B O L W O R K B E N C H v1.2.83 16bit RELEASE ========================================================================= UPDATE NOTES ============ TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= INTRODUCTION MIGRATION ERRORS FIXED IN THIS UPDATE IMPROVEMENTS IN THIS UPDATE DOCUMENTATION CHANGES TIPS & HINTS KNOWN ERRORS KNOWN LIMITATIONS MANUAL INSTALLATION PROBLEM REPORTING INTRODUCTION ============ This update diskette contains fixes to all problems and all new features since release v1.2.68. Previously provided update diskettes are obsolete and no longer required. MIGRATION ========= You must always run G8WB-MFWB Integration after applying an update. ===> V1.2.83 n/a ===> V1.2.82 n/a ===> V1.2.81 n/a ===> V1.2.80 n/a ===> V1.2.79 n/a ===> V1.2.78 n/a ===> V1.2.77 n/a ===> V1.2.76 n/a ===> V1.2.75 n/a ===> V1.2.74 n/a ===> V1.2.73 n/a ===> V1.2.72 n/a ===> V1.2.71 n/a ===> V1.2.70 The structure of $G8WBFDIR\FMS has changed. During G8WB-MFWB integration the current FMS structure will be migrated to $G8WBFDIR\FORMS, and the current FMS structure will no longer be used. Note: The current FMS structure is NOT deleted after migration. You need to do this manually, once your G8WB environment is operational. Note: The migration is triggered by the absence of $G8WBFDIR\FORMS directory. If you need to re-do the migration, you should delete the $G8WBFDIR\FORMS directory, and re-run G8WB-MFWB integration. ===> V1.2.69 n/a ===> V1.2.68 o New Release base for 16-bit environment. ============== UPDATE V1.2.83 ============== Errors fixed in this update --------------------------- o DB Load: Database load could fail with 'Record-type invalid' if a CRLF sequence on a UFT format file, was split when reading the input file (unlikely to happen). o PSM: Error messages when PSM source format is wrong, i.e. use incorrect columns, tabulation, have been made more clear. o PSM: The message '-> BLKSZ ignored' was treated as an error, but it is only an information message. o HD8: Communication from 16-bit is restricted/changed as follows: HDCCIMODULE=TCP/IP|DDE|IPX|NETBIOS Default = NETBIOS for DOS-XM. HD8 Server MUST be running NETBIOS also. Default = TCP/IP for Windows. Note: DDE is for test only - HD8 on same PC as G8WB. For TCP/IP a CCI.INI configuration file must be placed in the Windows directory, ex. C:\WINDOWS. The content of the file is as follows: [ccitcp-base] CCITCP2= NAME= where designate the network name of the PC running CCITCP2 Registration Server. where designate the network name of the PC running G8WB. Improvements in this update --------------------------- o Verify Log: A new command may be used to verify the execution of G8WB commands, and log failures into an error-log file. Example of use: A command file contains a series of SCIN commands. After execution, it may be difficult to verify whether all SCIN executed correctly. The Verify Log command must be included in the command file - similar to UELOG, after each command you want to verify. Ex. CBT SCIN p1 $tpr VULOG $g8wbldir\w8scin.wrk SCIN p2 $tpr VULOG $g8wbldir\w8scin.wrk G8WB utilities will be default write a log into $g8wbldir\w8xxxx, where xxxx is the name of the G8WB command. Alternatively you may direct the log to another file via =log-file argument. The Verify Log command will examine the given log file and determine whether the command was executed without errors, and write an exception message to an error log file. The content of the log file will also be included in the error log file. The default error log ile is $g8wbldir\LERROR.LOG, however error log file may be specified in the VULOG command. Ex. CBT SCIN p1 $tpr VULOG $g8wbldir\w8scin.wrk $tpr\my.log The error log file may be cleared as follows: VULOG CLEAR VULOG CLEAR $tpr\my.log o Source Import: Import of a single source - where import file contains only source (no APPEND and *END* directives), is now possible from command line, ex. XM WB W8 p1. $tpr umc/source/p1 [...] The presence of a GCOS cata-file-string trigger import of single source. o Source Import: _Classify now support following source types: TPR PROGRAM COBOL-74 COBOL-85 COBOL-SQL TPR-74 TPR-85 TPR-SQL PROGRAM-74 PROGRAM-85 PROGRAM-SQL The source type is documented in the program source as follows: *set>g8wb COPY P1.CPM *set>g8wb TPR COBOL-74 and will not be removed during export. Although the source type cannot be used directly to control checking (CHAR or GUI), it makes it visible. The TPR and PROGRAM source types are used by G8WB Preprocessor to restrict some syntax depending on source type. o BCF: A mask using file extension C74, C85 and CSQ will now be processed as follows: - CBL used instead of C74, C85 or CSQ to scan for files - consult classify information within CBL for COBOL dialect Ex. XM WB W8 BCF *.C85 check build CHECK.CBT from CHECK.SCB for all CBL files in current directory with classify type COBOL-85 o Source Checkin: The '_Compile [type]' argument may now be specified without type. The source type is then picked up from classify information in the source. If no classify information is present, CBL74 is used as default. o Source Import: The '.. Imported G8WB ...' comment line will now include '... by userid ...' if USERID is set in environment. o Copy Import: The '.. Imported G8WB ...' comment line will now include '... by userid ...' if USERID is set in environment. o Create Source: The '.. Created G8WB ...' comment line will now include '... by userid ...' if USERID is set in environment. o Create Copy: The '.. Created G8WB ...' comment line will now include '... by userid ...' if USERID is set in environment. o Source Checkin: The '... Imported/Created G8WB ...' comment line is now changed to '... Updated G8WB ...' during checkin. Also comment line will now include '... by userid ...' if USERID is set in environment. o Copy Checkin: The '... Imported/Created G8WB ...' comment line is now changed to '... Updated G8WB ...' during checkin. Also comment line will now include '... by userid ...' if USERID is set in environment. o Source Checkout: The lock information will now include '... by userid' if USERID is set in environment. o Copy Checkout: The lock information will now include '... by userid' if USERID is set in environment. ============== UPDATE V1.2.82 ============== Errors fixed in this update --------------------------- o IDS-II: A 'Connect TO ', where no currency had been established, would cause IDS-II to fail (Database Corrupt abort), instead of giving an exception. o DIMS8: Copy Form function did not work (locked), if the form was checked out. o DIMS8: Save and Generate function did not work for a Storage Definition (SD), when it was checked out. o COBOL: When using COMP-REDEFINE-ANALYZER, the first 01-structure in Working-Storage would be considered a redefine of the last FD. This could cause incorrect flagging. o COBOL: When first Procedure Division paragraph (no Declaratives) was in a COPY, the following Section would incorrectly be flagged (8073-Missing section header at beginning of procedure division). ure division o Source Create: When registrering a new program, and the source file is not in the reference directory, G8WB will now copy the source file to the reference directory, register the new program and delete the "input" source file. o DIMS8: The command for deletion of SD(s) was missing. The command may be invoked as follows: XM WB W8 FSDDEL storage-name|storage-mask [-force] Note: For storage-mask a confirmation prompt is given, unless the -Force argument is present. o DIMS8: The command for deletion of TD(s) was missing. The command may be invoked as follows: XM WB W8 FTDDEL transaction-name|transaction-mask [-force] Note: For transaction-mask a confirmation prompt is given, unless the -Force argument is present. o DIMS8: When migrating from V1.2.69 or prior, the migration of SD's to the new forms structure would not be correct. Improvements in this update --------------------------- o Source Import: An Index file will now be created during import. The Index file is placed with the Import file with the extension XSI (same name as Import file). The Index file contains a list of all source files imported - one entry per line. The Index file may be used as input to Build Command File utility. o Create Source: The '_Compile ' argument may now be specified for create source - like Source Checkin. When specified, the program will be checked and generated to GNT format, and if the source file is not in the reference directory, all 'work' files will be deleted also. Ex. command syntax XM WB W8 SCRE P1 $batch _C CBL74 o Copy Create: A new copy may registered from an existing - like create source, provided no mapping is required (max. 8 chars). If the copy file is not in the reference directory, G8WB will now copy the file to the reference directory, register the new copy and delete the "input" copy file. ============== UPDATE V1.2.81 ============== o Tips & Hints has been updated, ref. below. Errors fixed in this update --------------------------- o Source Checkin: G8WB will now verify the reference directory for presence of LCK file during checkin. If it fails to find the LCK file, ex. if the reference directory is wrong or non existing, and error message is given. o Source Create: When specifying a reference directory (source not in current directory), G8WB would incorrectly create a dummy source in current directory, even if a program file was present in the reference directory. o Create/Import Copy: New copies could require an update of the COPYMAP.CFG. If the COPYMAP.CFG was locked, the function would fail. Utilities will now retry (3-5 minutes max) until COPYMAP.CFG becomes available for update. Note: When viewing COPYMAP.CFG in the Editor, the file is locked for update. Care should be taken when browsing/changing the COPYMAP.CFG file for an extended period. o DS Generate: Some 'large' subschemas could cause the DS Generate to fail during import of the generated Dialog System screen sets. As a result, Record Panels could not be used for the subschema. o COBOL: "NAME" has been removed as a reserved word for COBOL-74 and COBOL-85 source types. o COBOL: An invalid value in column 7 could pass undetected - not flagged as incorrect, if the verb just in from was preprocessed by G8WB. o Forms: When exporting forms, the Confirm = Yes setting was ignored. o FORMAT: G8WB will update the text-length of output CD for each send operation. When sending multiple Format forms this could lead to a send failure - status 50 text-length > send-argument. Text-length is new reset to 1 after each Format send operation. o TPFF: Screen-painter would incorrectly allow an Array with an Array. This would cause a loop when generating the form. o COBOL: Non-paragraph coding in section A - column 8-11, could be flagged with warning or error (8521-Period missing at the verb). o COBOL: A literal continuation line in Procedure Division was incorrectly flagged (8521-Period missing at the verb). o COBOL: When first Procedure Division paragraph (excluding Declaratives) was in a COPY, the following Section would incorrectly be flagged (8073-Missing section header at beginning of procedure division). ure division o Q2UT: The Print function did not work. It is now equivalent to the Dump function. o FORMAT: Multiple receives would fail, because the input buffer was emptied (like a standard TP8 receive). Input buffer is now kept and each receive will be processed with original input buffer. o FORMAT: The command was incorrectly stripped from the receive buffer and incorrect results would occur if the command field was defined on the form (starting TX in forms mode). o TP8: When using a fixed command size - MAX_COMMAND_NAME_SIZE:n, system commands ($term etc.) could fail. o COBOL: A section name < 3 characters would cause an incorrect warning to be given (8521-Period missing at the verb). o COBOL: A literal continuation line followed by a new verb on the same line would cause incorrect flagging (first character of verb was lost). Improvements in this update --------------------------- o COBOL-85: The use of NULL with DBK data items conflict with use of NULL with pointer data items, and G8WB will by default assume NULL is related to a pointer data item for COBOL-85 (COBOL-74 does not have this conflict). In order to handle NULL with DBK data items, G8WB directives are required in the source, ex. 01 ws-pointer pointer. 01 ws-dbk dbk. set ws-pointer to null *w8prep alt set ws-dbk to null *w8prep on A new preprocessor directive (PREP.CFG) may be used to change the default behavior. DBK-NULL : ON ; OFF(default)/ON When DBK-NULL setting is ON, use of NULL with pointer data items needs G8WB directives insetad, ex. 01 ws-pointer pointer. 01 ws-dbk dbk. *w8prep alt set ws-pointer to null *w8prep on set ws-dbk to null o Forms: When FORMS-CHECKOUT-REQ:ON is set, following functions are disabled: Import Export Checkout using a mask o Forms: When FORMS-CHECKOUT-REQ:OFF is set, you are able to Cancel a checkout (done via Checkin), even if the form cannot be found in current USERDIR structure. Note: This may be used to clean-up a locked form, when the USERDIR structure is somehow lost. ============== UPDATE V1.2.80 ============== Errors fixed in this update --------------------------- o MFWB Integration: The location of COBOL\LBR and \COBOL\EXEDLL was determined by scanning $COBDIR for certain files. This scanning could fail if the COBDIR setting was very long (>114 chars). G8WBMFWB has been changed so you are prompted for a path, if searching via $COBDIR should fail. o IIDS: Use of REPEAT within a command file would cause return to interactive input mode, and the remainder of the command file to be ignored. An abort would occur also, when IIDS was launched as a command. o IDS-II: 'Initialize $$LOCAL Server' did not work correctly. o GUI Batching: 'Run' within 'Batching' did not work correctly. o TP8: A call ".FREER" followed by a call to ".FREE" or ".SLEEP" or equivalent VMPS service calls, should cancel ".FREER". G8WB has been changed to be compatible with GCOS 8. o TP8: Implicit send with a text length greater > 2400 would fail with status = "01", possibly followed by an X15 abort. Implicit send will now, like explicit send, use the OUTPUT_MSG-SIZE setting in TP8.CFG to determine maximum text length (maximum 6144). Improvements in this update --------------------------- o IIDS: Output from Interactive IDS-II is now written to $g8wbldir\BATCH.LOG. For command processing, output may be redirected, ex. WB W8 IIDS FILE